Monday, September 13, 2010

The long overdue but EPIC Episode 7 Fame at A Price "Return of skulls & flame" Up for viewing!

After two or so months it's finally here Episode 7 of Fame at a Price I again apologize as this episode has been done for a month or so. In my defense I also say me moving not having internet or a scanner for near 3 weeks affected it. Next episode will conclude the battle but will begin a new slightly different drawing style I have been teaching myself so look forward to that.

Episode 7 focuses on the return of our hero Thomas Lionblood to action after a slightly battle passionate Bailey makes a fateful mistake during her battle with The Wiz Hunter Spaz and his super powerful storm attacks. This episode is special and is not one page but three pages so enjoy and don't forget to comment ciao.

Click on images to enlarge.

See ya the comic lovers are chasing,
Alric Ravensinger


  1. Thx unfortunately he didn't come out as I wanted him too but at least someone likes him lol Go team friendly!

  2. Awesome job! You are a very talented abrakadoodleist! Can I be in it? :)

  3. Thx for all the comments guys I am glad you liked Episode 7 Also, sorry but comic is at end so I am not going to be adding any new characters.

  4. LOVE THIS!!! You are a awesome artist!!!! my brother loves drawing (he is only 7!) and he is so good, I was showing him these and he said he wants to be just like you!

    Keep up the AWESOME work!!

    Christo Skywalker
