Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Update on Episode 8 and Apologies to my cameos : /

       So the final episode of Fame at a price (FAAP) is coming along great except for one thing I forgot to add the cameos yes I know I am sorry to those who "won" so to speak. I am however still plan to use ALL five cameos if you folks still wanna be in it. I plan to make one more episode but it's not really an episode more like a behind the comic special. Which will reveal many secrets behind the comic for example I had originally intended FAAP to be about a evil Fallon Shadowblade who wanted to see the end of the Ravenwood Radio crew A.K.A Stephen and Leesha but opted last minute to change it after that Advanced pets update test party.
     As for episode 8 itself it'll be 5 pages this time and will conclude the final battle between the Wiz hunters and Friendly and Bailey. Also remember this episode is dedicated to Amber Deathsong friendly's daughter and a loyal reader of my comic so look for a special picture I drew for a dear fan. Also if my followers or anyone in the blogosphere wants to know anything specific about Fame at a Price now is your chance to do so.

So send in all your questions and comments to my E-mail or hit me up on Twitter @Alricravenwiz 

See ya folks,
Alric Ravensinger

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